June 11, 2010


The weather has been on the minds of many GroveAtopians lately.

That's because, even though we had a few days where we thought the Lovely Season was here, it turns out we were wrong.  Those few days turned out to be just that: a few days.  What we've been experiencing since then is anything but Lovely.

Usually by now, we are wearing our summer clothes, the sun is shining most days and we are basking in its warmth.  We are as busy as the bees buzzing around our yards, puttering here and there, and usually have our garden pretty much planted by now.  Even the warm weather plants.

But this year is turning out to be very different.  It has rained nearly every day in June.  And not just a little rain.  A lot of rain.  Sometimes buckets and buckets of rain fall from the sky for most of the day.   Sometimes it just drizzles.  Sometimes we have a day of so-called "sun breaks" - but between the breaks is rain.

We are known for rain here in GroveAtopia, but even we have our limits.  And so do our gardens.  See the tomatoes and cucumbers in the picture?  They were planted just last week.  See the soaker hose?  Won't be needing that for awhile.

The rain has really made nature even more crazy than it usually is during this time of year.  It's great for leaves, but not so great for fruit and vegetables.  The strawberries are still green, running the race between mold, mildew and rot and ripening.  The garlic is waist high, but are the bulbs forming?

The slugs and snails are happy though.  Those little cucumbers were planted with the complete expectation that they would lose the battle with the slugs, but now,  a week later, amazingly they are still there.  It's a completely different story with the broccoli though.  It will have to be replaced.

The grass likes it too.  The mighty grass of GroveAtopia is mightier than ever.  And the pollen has been tolerable.

But despite all the weather oddities, we persevere.  We keep planting.   But as each plant is put in the ground, we bid it good luck.

Then we hope.  Because really that's about all we can do - hope our little plants make it until the real GroveAtopian weather returns.