February 15, 2010

The last phone booth

While we are on the subject of phones, here's a relic.  It's not as much of a relic as the answering service, but almost.

Do you know what it is?  Of course you do, but come to think of it, you really haven't seen one in quite some time.  That's because there are hardly any left any more.  But we still have one.  It's in the parking lot of the Pink House.  

These used to be as common as the corner mail box - another relic - but now you rarely see one.  Especially a "full body" one like this one.  You can actually go inside this one although it doesn't have a door to close. 

It's no secret why we rarely see phone booths anymore.  They come from the days when we had to go to the phone, rather than the phone coming with us.  Nowadays of course nearly everyone's phone comes with them everywhere all the time, and even those whose phones don't come with them everywhere can at least take their phone with them around the house now that phones are cordless.

Still, the fact that there is even one full sized phone booth left and that it is here in GroveAtopia, is comforting.  Even though the world has forced us to modernize by using 10 digits to dial a phone number, we still have a few throwbacks to the time before that and this phone booth is certainly one of them.

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