January 10, 2010

GroveAtopia, A-Z

GroveAtopia's favorite publication was in the mailbox yesterday. The new phone book arrived!

Our phone book is probably the most well-thumbed book we GroveAtopians own. We are always meeting new people, and since our town is small, we know we will see them again. Soon.

So when we meet them, we exchange talk, then, if it didn't come up in the conversation, we go home and look them up in the phone book to find out where they live.

Unlike big city phone books, the GroveAtopia phone book is manageable. It fits nicely in any drawer and does not require any special weightlifting training to manueuver. At 1/2 an inch thick and 150 pages it is large enough to be taken seriously, unlike the phone books of tiny towns that are not much bigger than a pamphlet. And, unlike big city phone books, when you leaf through the GroveAtopian phone book, there, on every page is at the name of at least one person you know.

But maybe you didn't know they lived out Mosby Creek way and those others live on Bennett Creek. You didn't know they lived right here in town, and just were is Valley View Drive?

Seeing so many people you know as you browse through the phone book is comforting. No, you don't know all of them. You probably don't even know half of them. But you do know enough of them that you feel good when you find your own name, because there it is, surrounded by more people you know, or will know, instead of by the tiny names of many, many, many people you don't know and never will.

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