January 9, 2010

Alley cats

Here in GroveAtopia we have alleys. And we have cats. So we have alley cats.

There aren't a lot of them, nor are there too many of them, but they are there.

It's the same with the alleys. There aren't a lot of them, nor are there too many of them, but they too are there.

The alleys run behind the businesses on both sides of Main Street. They are used for deliveries and storage, for garbage cans and boxes. And sometimes they are used as short cuts. That's when there can be trouble.

You see, the cats also use the alleys. Some live there. Some are just there because a kindly business owner feeds them there. The trouble comes when some people use the alleys as shortcuts they either don't know or entirely forget about the cats and that can lead to unpleasant encounters.

Of course the Bookmine has cats. One or two of them live in the shop itself, but then there are those who live in the alley. Gail feeds them there, so of course they linger, waiting.

So one day when Gail was talking about this problem with one of her customers, that customer offered to paint her a sign to hang in the alley. "Sure," said Gail. "Thanks."

Expecting a simple warning sign, imagine Gail's surprise when the customer presented her with this lovely piece of artwork. It's much more eye catching than the usual warning sign, don't you think? Plus it adds a bit of beauty to the alley, which, well let's be honest, is not the most beautiful place in town.

But with a sign like that, it almost is.

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