August 9, 2009

Nothing but garbage

Many months ago, way back in March when we were just getting started, I told you about the mystery boxes.  They were two cardboard boxes that had been in the portico of the beautiful old bank building on the corner of 6th and Main St for at least 2 years.  

With only two there, and the same two at that, it was indeed an intriguing mystery.  But now, I'm sorry to say, the mystery, which was fun to think about, has become a tragedy.  The mystery is now nothing but garbage.

Take a look for yourself.  Together let's consider what we have here.  Let's examine the evidence and fashion a story of our own.

First, we start with the boxes.  A quick look at the security door, lovely as it is compared to most security doors, tells us that the boxes must have been placed where they are from the door beyond.  And because of that, they must have been placed there deliberately.  

So now, we must conclude, as unfathomable as it is, someone has deliberately placed even more boxes here.  Apparently two boxes was not enough. The two that were already there were so attractive, someone thought we needed even more.  

Since March, when we first discussed this matter, I found out that there actually is an attorney, as the sign painted on the window around the corner says,  who works in this building.  During Art Walk in June, I was musing about the origins of the boxes with the ladies who work in Past 45 and one of them told me that indeed someone did still work in there and I should just go in the side door and tell him to clean it up.

So, the following Monday I tried to do just that, but the door was locked, and no one ever answered.  Our hopes for solving the mysteries behind those two boxes were gone for the moment.

I'm sorry to have to tell you that I have not tried again.  But you can see as clearly as I that now the situation out of control.  Not only have the two mystery boxes gained numerous friends, the increase in their numbers has enticed others to add to the sad situation by adding garbage to the scene.  Look at those bottles.  Now people think it's okay to toss their garbage here.  

And judging by the past, that garbage will not only remain there for many years to come, it will attract others of its kind.  Imagine, if this situation is allowed to persist, what this scene will look like in a few months or a few years.  You don't want to, and neither do I.

So I will do what I can to find out who keeps adding those boxes and why.  Then I will make sure it's cleaned up.  And when this happens, you will be the first to know.

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