July 23, 2009

The two worlds of GroveAtopia

By now you must be thinking that GroveAtopia is pretty much an ideal place.  We talk to our neighbors, smile at those we know and those we don't, are strict guardians of the joys of GroveAtopia's seasonal offerings and sometimes swear the fairies are living among us.  You might even start to think we are not part of this world.  Maybe GroveAtopia exists only in our imaginations, or in some ideal parallel universe.

But GroveAtopia is real and we must take our place there too.   We do in fact live in a political world that reminds us we are really just another jurisdiction; one of many in our state and we must partake in the process and discourse that world demands if we are to retain what we are.  Our very ideal; our vision of what we are and could be depends upon it.

Fortunately, GroveAtopia is graced with a group of people who make it their business to insure we retain what we love about our community.  They are our watchdogs, the shepherds of our public discourse and they make sure we know if there is something in the political world that we need do something about.

They call themselves the Blackberry Pie Society, which is perfect, because blackberries grow wild here, pies are well, just plain yummy, and the word society implies a group of respectful ladies who might partake in nothing more than tea with each other in the afternoon.

But the Blackberry Pie Society has nothing to do with taking tea, although they often serve blackberry pie at their meetings, which is kind of like serving tea.  

It is in fact a political action committee that meets every month to discuss and share the political news that requires our attention.  They help make sure we know what is going on both near and far, so we can exercise the vigilance needed to make sure GroveAtopia has a voice among the others.

So if you were starting to think GroveAtopia was just too perfect, too unreal and perhaps too removed from reality, think again.   Thanks to the Blackberry Pie Society, we get to live both worlds at the same time. 

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