June 17, 2009

Butterflies and danger

Those two words don't go together, do they.  I would never expect them to be in the same sentence.  Even if it was a really really long sentence with either of these words at the beginning and the other at the end.

But here they are.  Well almost.  It's the word dangerous, instead of the word danger, but it doesn't really matter, does it.   We want to know what these two words are doing in the same sentence.

I have already written of butterflies a few times.  I wrote about the gathering of butterflies.  And I wrote about where butterflies rule.  There was no danger either time.   Well there was danger for the butterflies I think I ran over, but that wasn't intentional danger.  That was accidental.

But this book is about The Dangerous World of Butterflies.  You might wonder at first if the world of butterflies is made dangerous by the butterflies themselves.  How could that possibly be you would wonder?  How can a butterfly make anything dangerous?  

You would be right of course.  The danger is not the butterfly's creation.  It's ours.

The book is about people who make the world dangerous for butterflies.  It turns out some people like to sell rare butterflies.  Others like to buy them.  The rarer the butterfly, the more it's worth.  The seller finds the rare butterflies and sells them.  The buyer buys them, kills them, and puts them on display.  

There's a bunch of other bad things happening to butterflies, but you'll have to read the book to find out what they are.  If you want to.  

As far as I can tell, none of the butterflies of GroveAtopia are mentioned in this book.  For now, our butterflies are safe.

But lots and lots of other butterflies are not.  That can't be good.  

For you.  Or me.  Or the butterflies.

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