May 8, 2009

Speaking of speakers

While downtown waiting to meet a friend at All America Opal Whitely Park, I happened to look in the direction of the Schweitzer's, and there, about a quarter of the way up to the sky, on the pole, was a speaker. Then I looked in the direction of the old McCoy's and there was another one.

Why are those speakers there?  Has anyone ever heard anything come out of them?  Part of me hopes so, and part of me hopes not.

If something did come out of those speakers would it be pleasant?  Would we all look upward, in surprise?  Delight? Wonderment?  

Or would it be unpleasant – rendering us scared or even horrified – filling us with the urge to cower.

What if a siren suddenly blared from them?  Then we would be both startled and confused, wondering what it meant.  Duck and cover?  Stop drop and roll?  

Or is it just a false alarm or a test of some sort which after we recovered from our surprise, we would simply continue to go about our business.

What if a voice suddenly came from those speakers?  Why do I assume it would be there to deliver bad news?  Does good news ever come from speakers like those?  

Or music could come from them, which could be both good news and bad news.  It all depends on what type of music it is.

Actually, GroveAtopia does not need any more sound other than what we already hear. Cars passing, people talking, birds singing, and the invisible sound of community.   

Well maybe a daily thought would be okay.  It could be delivered at noon, after people are already well into whatever they were doing.  It could be a wish, a greeting, or a poem.  Yes that's it.  A daily poem.  After awhile people would start to look forward to that.  They would pause and wait for it.  

That's about the only thing I can think of that should come out of those speakers.  That's the only thing that would make GroveAtopia sound even better than it already does.

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