May 20, 2009

Rhodies in the road

Do you know what a rhody is?  If you live in GroveAtopia you most certainly do.   

If you live in Rhode Island you think you do but I'm sorry to have to tell you this.  You don't.  This has nothing to do with you or your state.

If you are a roadie for a traveling performer, I'm sorry to have to tell you this has nothing to do with you either.   It does have to do with rhodies and roads, so it would be sensible to think it should concern you, but it doesn't.

That's because in  GroveAtopia, everyone knows that rhody means rhododendron.   

Now class, does everyone know what a rhododendron is?   Since I live here I know, and that makes it hard for me to imagine that there are people who don't.  But part of being a GroveAtopian means trying very hard not to make assumptions about other people.

So I won't.  

And since I don't know if you are GroveAtopian or not, I will tell you just in case.  And I think you will be glad I did.

But where to start?  Do you want the technical explanation?  The one that botanists made up for each other?  The one that some of us can appreciate, but really, when it comes right down to it, most of us can't.   But for those of you who do or want to find out if you do, try  the American Rhododendron Society.  They ought to know.

But most GroveAtopians are happy knowing we just like the way they look.  And because they thrive here we like them even more.

Nearly everyone in GroveAtopia has at least one rhody - in fact they are so prolific right now, it seems as if they are coming out of the woodwork.  They aren't of course, but look.  In the picture one seems to be coming out of the pavement. 

Golly.  We have so many of these beautiful blooms that we can just drop them in the street and continue on our way.  We don't even stop to pick them up.   We may even leave them someplace where they might get run over.  But not to worry, we have so many many more.

Now you might think the roads of GroveAtopia are paved with Rhodies.  

They aren't, but this time of year, they could be.

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