May 15, 2009

The mighty grass of GroveAtopia

It's a special type of grass that grows in GroveAtopia's countryside. It's not your airy-fairy delicate grass that once mowed becomes lawn. GroveAtopia's grass is something altogether different.

First of all, if you don't tend to GroveAtopia's grass, strange things happen to it. It gets thick and bushy. It gets tall. Taller than you are. And it can get downright mean.

Plus, if you have a few minutes, you can watch it grow.

If you walk away from it, look the other way, ignore it, or just let it be, it will take over, dwarfing you and the things around you.

So there you are with your weed eater facing the mighty grass. And you swear you heard it say, "HA!" as you try with your little machine to bring it down to a manageable size.

And even when you do cut it down, you know it will never ever look like lawn.

No, this is the wild and mighty grass of GroveAtopia and it will not be tamed. All you can really do is wait until heat comes. That is the only thing that can truly defeat it.

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