May 15, 2009

The Decal family

Meet the Decal family.  They live on the rear window of lots cars in GroveAtopia.  I know you have seen them when you are out and about.

They always travel together, always wear white and all line up according to height from tallest to smallest.  

All except this Decal family.  They are different.  They don't all line up together.  One of them, the small boy,  is set apart by himself, way over there on the other side of the window.

I've never seen a Decal family that wasn't all together, and I'll bet you haven't either.  That's why this one caught my eye as I drove down R St. this morning.   I tried to get a picture of it, but really, we shouldn't be driving and taking pictures at the same time.   That could be worse than driving and talking on the phone.  Or driving and watching TV.

So you can understand why the picture is not clear, but I think you can also understand why I had to risk it and give it a try anyway.

Now let's wonder together.  Why was this Decal boy separated from the rest of the Decal family?  What could he possibly have done to be banished to the other side of the window, separated by the rear window wiper, so far far away from the others?

Perhaps he did something very bad and this is his punishment.  Until he pays his penance, he must stay way over there.  When he can behave himself he may rejoin the family on the other side of the window.

Perhaps he is a cousin, or just a friend, and not really part of the Decal family at all.  But then, what would he be doing on the window in the first place?

Maybe he is the son that for some reason lives somewhere else, but occasionally comes to visit. When he does visit, perhaps he is allowed to take his rightful place among the family, but when he leaves, they move him back to the other side of the window, where he remains, all by himself until he visits again.

Whatever the story, I'm glad I'm not that boy.  Because if they never let me on to the other side of the window – never let me stand in my rightful place with the rest of the Decal family, I don't think I'd ever get over it.   

The situation is urgent.  The driver of that car must move the lone Decal boy to the other side of the window so he can join the rest of the Decal family. To leave him where his is, way over there all by himself, is just plain cruel.  

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