May 16, 2009

Between races


That's what happens at my house between races.


Well here is something you may not know unless you live in GroveAtopia and it's evening and the weather is good and you want to go outside and savor the cool country air and enjoy the sounds of a country evening.

I know what you are thinking.  Crickets, frogs, the calling of a bird in the night, the sound the trees make when the breezes move them.  If you live in the big city, you might even be a little jealous.

But the only time you can hear those sounds in GroveAtopia is between races.  Car races.  Yep. You heard me.   

GroveAtopia has a speedway. It's the best kept secret in town until you live here.  

That's because when you come to GroveAtopia for the first time, and perhaps you are thinking you'd like to live here, it's usually daytime.  If you are lucky it's during the Lovely Season, and if you are even luckier, you find just the right place.  So you buy it.

Then one night, not too long after you've moved in, as evening falls, you hear a sound that does not belong to the countryside.  You wonder what it is.  Nocturnal bees?  A chorus of chainsaws? Fingernails on a chalkboard?

Then it dawns on you.  It sounds like cars.  Lots of cars.  Not freeway cars.  Not cars moving down the roads nearby.  These are race cars.

But wait.  It stopped and the silence has returned.  Ahhhh.  You go out into the night.  But uh oh there it is again.   Zoom zoom.  

After awhile the pattern settles in.   Some time of zooming, then silence.  Then more zooming.

The zooming sounds like it is in your backyard, but that can't be.  Your backyard is at least 4 miles away from where the cars are racing round and round.   But that's how it is.  

Zoom zoom. 

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