April 4, 2009

Between a speed bump and a parking space

Here is the scene in front of Sears and you know what?  I'll bet that parking space, even though it's a totally prime spot, almost directly in front of the Sears door, rarely gets used.   

Why?  Because of that speed bump.

Here's what happened today.   GroveAtopia had to pick up something at Sears.  I drove into the parking lot past Arby's heading toward, what's directly ahead, Jaspers? Abraxis? (not for long, they are moving to Main St.), Radio Shack?  Yes I think it's Radio Shack.  

I turned right and approached Sears.  I quickly scanned the available parking spaces.  No, that one is too far, there's a closer one.  No there's one even closer.  Maybe I can park right in front.  Yes!  

But wait!  There's a speed bump right in front of that parking space!  I don't think I can make a hard left into a parking space while going over a speed bump.  Are you even allowed to do that?  Turning on a speed bump. That's got to be some sort of misdemeanor at least.  No I cannot park there.

I did find a speed bump free space and it was even closer to the front door of Sears, but had the speed bump space been the only one available I think I would have gone right past it and parked in one of those places way over in the middle of the parking lot just to avoid it.   There is something very wrong with that parking space.  I blame the speed bump.

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