March 21, 2009

A Bad Idea: High Density Buildings in the Greenway

The land adjacent to the Coast Fork has a special classification called the Willamette River Greenway, which has an entire state wide land use goal - Goal 15 - dedicated to it.   As such any building that takes place there must undergo more scrutiny.    It needs a special permit called a Conditional Use permit.   

Right now someone wants to change the zoning of their property, which is in the Greenway, from medium density to high density.  The City has all sorts of complicated arguments that say because the property was zoned before the Greenway provisions went into effect, the zoning criteria should be grandfathered in allowing them this change, which, under the new development code would probably not be allowed.   

Because it's such a big deal, the permit requires the city to change its Comprehensive Plan to allow for this property to change its zoning.  And the City Council must vote on it.

The city argues that Cottage Grove needs more high density housing and therefore the council should allow this change.  I say we may need more high density buildings, but not in the Greenway!  

We've already allowed our stretch of the river to be built upon willy-nilly, with houses in various states of repair hugging the banks much too closely.  If the dam at Cottage Grove Lake is ever compromised, those houses are gone.  Plus I can't believe they don't have foundation issues, being so close to the banks.

The only portions of the river that aren't built on are those that are too skinny to allow for the proper setbacks anyway.   There are those two lots across from the high school that barely meet setback requirements.  The trail along along the bank to the north of the Woodson bridge is the only use there could be for that strip of land.  And the city hall parking lot - what an abominable use of that stretch of river front.

So the bottom line, which should be at the top of this post is this: allowing high density construction in the Greenway is a bad idea.  If you agree, tell the council at the hearing on Monday night.

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